In a particularly unique gesture, students from Al Kamandjâti Association in Lebanon joined Palestinian-American artist Simon Shaheen...
The A. M. Qattan Foundation welcomes Fida Touma as its new Deputy Director General. Touma holds a BA degree in Architecture from...
For its fifth edition, the 2017 /si:n/ festival for video art and performance will run for four days, from june 12th-15th. Events will...
The AMQF Educational Research and Development Programme (ERDP) organized, on Saturday, May 20, in the Palestine Red Crescent Society HQ...
The AMQF Public Programme held a seminar on the Daydream Silhouettes performance, in cooperation with Gallery One and the Live Action...
30 works of art formed the first solo exhibition, titled Herak (mobilization), by artist Marwan Nassar (32 years) from Gaza. The works...
In the exhibition The Third Hand , the public built their own mural by hanging photos of themselves and writing their mothers’ names...
The AMQF Public Programme organized, recently, a lecture by video artist Blake Shaw in the Foundation’s headquarters in Ramallah. The...
Philanthropy Age Magazine, published an article written By Omar Al-Qattan, chairman of A. M. Qattan Foundation, sharing some advice on...