In January and February 2014, twelve Palestinian schools are hosting “The School Film Festival” (SFF), a student-run film festival...
The Qattan Centre for the Child organised a literary evening on 14 January 2014 entitled Strawberry. The event targeted the children...
In January 2014, in cooperation with Save the Children, and as part of the Publications in Education and Childhood Educational Series,...

"Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Unites Voices Around the World"

"The Mosaic Rooms is one of London’s hidden gems. It modestly bills itself as a centre for Arab culture but it has in fact hosted a diverse range of activities from all around the greater Middle East, and is used as a hub for exhibitions, literary events, supper clubs, charity auctions, and much more.

The Qattan Centre for the Child launched its 2014 winter activities plan (2-20 January), targeting children who have participated in...
At the end of December 2013, the Qattan Centre for Educational Research and Development hosted Dr. Kostas Amoiropoulos to conduct two...
The Outreach Services Unit at the Qattan Centre for the Child concluded a community-based initiative entitled Hand-in-Hand as part of...