In the course of developing equipment to support cinematic and television production through the Foundation’s audio-visual unit, the...
The Qattan Centre for the Child and Tamer Institute for Community Education (TICE) participated in a workshop entitled ‘Reading is Fun...
A retreat for the Palestinian Performing Arts Network (PAN) was held between 6-8 May in Jericho. Representatives of A. M. Qattan...
The Qattan Centre for the Child, in partnership with local organisations and primary schools has recently concluded a series of...
The Culture and the Arts Programme (CAP) organised a tour for the dance performance Badke in Palestine. The tour began with a...

In Pictures: Excavation and Site Preparation Work for New Building

Pictures of excavation and Site Preparation Work for the Foundation's New Building. This preliminary building work constitutes the first of three phases of the construction of the new building; the second phase will entail the construction of the building, while the third phase will see the building been fully equipped and furnished. The tender for the second stage will be announced in May 2014.


"LU professor leads workshops in Palestine"

"Lamar University's Jim Westgate spent 10 days in Palestine conducting paleontology and rock workshops for 5th and 6th grade students and science teachers in a trip funded by the A. M. Qattan Foundation.

Westgate, who is University Professor of Earth and Space Sciences, led workshops in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jericho, and visited Old Jerusalem.

On 23 April, the Qattan Centre for the Child, in partnership with Centre for Architectural Heritage (IWAN), Diwan Ghazza and the...
22 May 2014

From Qurtuba to Cordoba Exhibition

A. M. Qattan Foundation, Ramallah